Effective date: 08. Feb 2024

Jonathan Keller ("I", "me", or "mine") operates the Stories of My Life mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").

This page informs you about our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data in relation to your use of our Service.

1. No Personal Data Collection

Our Service does not collect any personal data from its users. All user data related to the download and installation of the app is managed by the App Store, and any data collection in this regard is governed by their privacy policy.

2. RevenueCat Subscription Management

Our app uses RevenueCat for subscription management. RevenueCat is a third-party service that handles subscription lifecycle events like purchasing, renewing, and canceling. We do not have access to, nor do we store, any personal payment information. The processing of payments is entirely managed by RevenueCat and is subject to their Privacy Policy.

3. Use of Data

Since our Service does not collect personal data, we do not use any such data for any purpose.

4. Disclosure of Data

As our Service does not collect personal data, there is no disclosure of such data to any third parties.

5. Security of Data

Given that no personal data is collected through our Service, there are no data security measures related to personal data. However, the security and privacy of any data managed by the App Store or RevenueCat are subject to their respective privacy policies.